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  • Let God Be True 3/8/25
    Sat. 3/08/2025 Scripture Text: John 14:26 & Revelation 2:2-15 Lesson Title: “Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth” Bible Teacher: Minister Martin Charles, 16th & Decatur Church of Christ. God’s Plan of Salvation thru Jesus Christ 1. Hear -Romans 10:17 2. Believe-Acts 8:37; John 8:24 3. Repent -Luke 13:3 and 5; Acts 17:30; 2Peter 3:9 4. Confess- Romans 10:9-10; Acts 8:37 (vs. 34-38) 5. Baptism- Acts 2:38 , Mark 16:15-16; 1Peter 3:20-21; John 3:5 Minister Charles’ Email: “[email protected]” Host: Rodney Philyaw Laurel Church of Christ “” Email: “[email protected]” Welcome to the “Let God Be True” program from the Laurel Church of… Read More »Let God Be True 3/8/25